Developed by Tom Tam, and an integral part of the Tom Tam Healing System, Tong Ren is a form of energy therapy for restoring health and vitality. Tong Ren is based on a belief that disease is related to interruptions, or blockages, in the body's natural flow of chi, neural bioelectricity, blood, or hormones. Tong Ren seeks to remove these blockages, restoring the body's natural ability to heal itself, even when illnesses are chronic, debilitating, or otherwise untreatable. Tong Ren combines western knowledge of anatomy and physiology with the ancient principle of "chi," or life force energy. Drawing on the Jungian theory of the "collective unconscious," Tong Ren is believed to access energy from this universal source and direct it to the patient. Join me in experiencing this healing modality.  To learn more about Tong Ren and to experience this modality of healing, contact me.

Tong Ren
more information about Tong Ren & Grateful Massage!Tong_Ren_Therapy.html